Travel Insurance
Travelling is an important and regular event for every individual whether it is for leisure or work. But travelling has its own risk and probabilities for unforeseen events or situational distress. In order to make your travel itinerary fool proof, it is mandatory to add Travel insurance. Good travel insurance will protect you against situations like delay in flights leading to financial loss, loss of baggage, loss of passport, Accidental injury, medical emergency, etc. The main reasons for buying travel insurance are:
- Peace of Mind
- Protection against Unexpected Loss
- Concerns over losing the financial investment during a trip

Picture this – you’re about to set off on an exciting holiday. You’ve got your travel visa, your tickets, hotel bookings and everything else in order. You land at your destination and find that your luggage has been misplaced. Or worse, you’re the victim of theft and you are left in a foreign country without your passport or any cash! Dealing with these situations can be expensive and difficult – especially if you’re in a country where you don’t speak the language. But that’s precisely why travel insurance is so crucial!
Travel insurance is a unique product that offers you financial help in case something were to go wrong while you’re travelling. It covers a range of scenarios, including medical and dental emergencies, theft of your money or passport loss, flight cancellation and misplaced or lost luggage.
Depending on where you’re going, the purpose of your visit and how often you travel, you can select a travel insurance policy that best suits your needs. A single-trip travel insurance plan is ideal if you’re travelling domestically or internationally and only travel once in a while; single trip travel insurance can be purchased for yourself or for your family (family travel insurance). If you travel often for work, you may want to opt for a multi-trip travel insurance plan or an annual travel insurance plan. This way, you can save on the hassle of applying for a new travel insurance policy before each trip. There are also customized plans for senior citizens and students who are heading abroad to continue their education.
Benefits offered under a Travel Insurance Policy
Cover for Inpatient & Outpatient medical treatment including transportation to the nearest medical facility in the event of hospitalization.
An unexpected emergency such as flight cancellation, missed flight, Trip Delay, etc. will be covered under a Travel Insurance Policy.
In the event of Permanent Loss of Checked-in Baggage by a Carrier, a lump sum amount will be payable towards purchasing new items.
Expenses incurred at the time of transportation from a Hospital to the nearest advanced medical facility, if medically necessary.
- Trip Cancellation: In case the trip is cancelled for an unavoidable reason as listed, then the amount paid for accommodation & Travel will be covered
In the event of loss of passport, the cost involved in procuring a fresh or duplicate passport would be covered.